The Latest

  • How to change the students you are viewing on a report
    • Click Control Panel
    • Select the date you would like the data as of and click Save.

  • OR
  • Click Control Panel
  • Click Change
  • Select the Classes you would like data for and click Set Custom Filters.

  • How to view student responses from pre and post tests in illuminate Ed:
    • Open the assessment
    • Choose Student Responses from the Responses Menu

As we begin to enter Winter report cards, the Student View will be helpful for reviewing Fall entries and entering for Winter.
Report Card Support Site:

As a district we have moved to web-based tools that use a continuous WiFi or wired connection and an active web session to enter and save data (i.e. PowerTeacher, PowerSchool, STAGES, illuminateEd). This is very different than a standard website that serves up static pages for you to read. When using a web app, the server to which you are connected is paying attention to the location from which you have connected and is monitoring that address for activity.

  • Always log out of web applications prior to closing the lid on your computer. This lets the servers know you have finished your session. WAIT until you see an acknowledgement that you are logged out before closing the lid.
  • If you have changed locations while (walked from one area of the building to another, say), quit any open browsers and log in again in order to establish a new session. When you move, you may disconnect from one wifi hub to another which can cause your web app session to drop.
  • It's a good idea to clear the cache on your browser once a month or so. Cached pages may retain old versions of app pages and result in funky display or unexpected errors.

From: Salisbury University, 2016 handout

Google Classroom updates January 2017

Earlier this month, Google added some new features to Google Classroom.  These new features include:
  1. the ability to give assignments to an individual student (how-to directions)
    google classroom personalized posts
  2. receive notifications for late and re-submitted work (how-to directions)

Check out the two new tabs on our Technology Blog!

2016-17 Technology Trainings Tab
Backup Your Computer Tab

This year we will be offering many more drop in sessions, starting with our El Capitan Upgrade Sessions.

Before attending one of these sessions, we'd like to remind you of the importance of a backup! Thanksgiving weekend is a great time to backup your computer! You'll be thankful if you need that backup in the future!

The ITD department wishes everyone a restful weekend. 

Please use the Links below to access resources:

Inspiring Innovative Integration Resource - Handouts and presentations from Technology Professional Development Opportunities

Accessing data on the Servers - How to connect to the new Storage servers.

iPad Resources

Chromebook Resources

AV Resources:

Requesting Mobile Apps for iPads or Chromebooks
Buildings will need to work together to determine what apps will be requested for district iPads. Please use the following links for procedures and requests.

Learn more about the strengths and areas of improvement for each student:Look at the student profile for each student in the class
    • Review scores for my students using favorite report:
      • Run the NWEA Class summary report
      • Run the MSTEP performance summary report
      • Run the PSAT or SAT reports

Use illuminate for simple formative assessment

    • Create an on the fly assessment for instant feedback or exit ticket
    • Use the pre-built skills assessments for a baseline.
      • PreTest
      • Performance Task
      • Letter recognition
      • Letter sounds
    • Create or use a district a pre-assessment for tracking student progress on Student Learning Objectives.

How can I learn more about illuminate Ed?

Create an EduPath account and sign up for the Illuminate Ed series -

How do I see individual student profile?

How do I run a favorite report?
  1. Click View Favorites
  2. Click on report to run
  3. Complete the fields
  4. Click view in browser

How do I create an on the fly assessment?

How is a prebuilt skills assessment administered?

How do I scan in results for a pre assessment?

How will students login to take a digital assessment?
Students will access illuminate using
Students will login with their network username and password to log into the portal.

How do I create a summary assessment (use for rubrics)?